Morella (Myrica) pensylvanica, Bayberry
Size: shrub, 6-8' average height at maturity (spread equal or greater)
Buds: absent terminal bud, laterals rounded, dark red-brown, 2-4 scales
Leaves: deciduous or semi-evergreen, alternate, 1.5-4" long, .5-1.5" wide, simple, obovate or oblong-obovate, tip obtuse or slightly acute, margins entire or shallowly toothed toward tips, shiny dark green, leathery, dotted with resin glands on underside
Twigs: yellow resinous dots on twigs and buds, aromatic when broken
Flowers: usually dioecious, lack petals and sepals, males yellow-green and in catkins
Fruit: usually in clusters, .2", gray and waxy, aromatic, on 2+ year-old female plants only, often along the stems
Bark: gray
Walk 3: Dry Sites