Styrax japonicus, Japanese Snowbell

Size: tree, 20-30' average height and spread at maturity

Buds: naked, superposed, 2-ranked, .25"

Leaves: deciduous, alternate, 1-3.5" long, .5-1.5" wide, simple, broad elliptic to elliptic oblong, tips acute to acuminate, denticulate toward tip or nearly entire, medium to dark green in summer, yellowish to reddish in fall

Twigs: leaf scars somewhat raised, bark mostly firm

Flowers: monoecious, white flowers with yellow stamens, bell-shaped, bloom in early summer

Fruit: dry ovoid grayish .5" drupe

Bark: gray-brown, smooth, irregular orange-brown fissures, bark of 2+ year-old trees exfoliates in thin papery shreds