Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood
Size: tree, 70-100' average height at maturity, 25' spread
Buds: prominent, at nearly right angles to slender twigs, usually in pairs, light reddish to yellowish brown
Leaves: deciduous, mostly opposite, about .5" long, .13" wide, simple, yewy, linear, flattened, straight of slightly curved, gooved midvein on top, lower surface with faint lines of stomata, slightly raised midrib, bright green on top, lighter green on underside
Twigs: slender, conspicuous exfoliation
Flowering: monoecious, males in clusters to 12" long, females solitary
Fruit: pendulous cones, roundish or cylindrical, .75-1.25"
Bark: reddish brown when young, darker, exfoliating in long strips when older
Walk 2: Wet Sites