Hibiscus syriacus, Rose-of-Sharon
Size: shrub, 8-12' average height at maturity, 6-10' spread
Buds: indistinct
Leaves: deciduous, alternate, 2-4" long and wide, simple, palmately veined, 3 lobes, ovate or rhombic-ovate, often coarsely toothed, dark green, can be yellow in fall
Twigs: gray pubescent, persistent threadlike stipules, shelflike projections mark position of earlier flowers and fruits, spurlike growth on older wood
Flowers: monoecious, large, about 5" across, bloom in late July to early August, very abundant, blue-gray, white, with or without red center, also shades of pink
Fruit: upright fruit capsule with 5 parts, distinctive and long-lasting
Bark: gray
Walk 5: High pH