Size: tree, 70-90' average height at maturity, 25-40' spread
Buds: small, pointed, conical, resinous, with bright brown fringed scales
Leaves: deciduous, spurs that bear new shoots are somewhat alternate or subopposite, 1-1.5", needle-like, keeled on underside, glaucous, 2 white bands on underside, deep green in summer, yellow-gold in fall
Twigs: short, spur-like branches on all but new wood, finely lined or ridged below decurrent leaf scars, 1 bundle scar,branches and twigs rarely pendulous, main branches regularly horizontal
Flowers: monoecious, females egg-shaped, up to .5" long, red, pink, yellow, or green, males smaller and yellow
Fruit: cones, 1-1.5", cone scales recurved at tip, cones persistent
Bark: coarse, scaly