Tips for identifying spruce: leaves angular in cross section (except for P. omorika), twigs roughened with persistent leaf bases, pendulous cylindrical cones don't shatter at maturity
Size: tree, 30-60' average height at maturity
Buds: broadly conical to nearly spherical, not resinous, yellowish brown, bud scales curved at tip
Leaves: evergreen, radially arranged all round stem, more crowded on top side, .75-1.25" long, stout, rigid, incurved needles, very prickly, gray-green to blue-green
Twigs: stout, glabrous, orange-brown with age
Flowers: monoecious, males orange, females greenish or purple
Fruit: oblong, cylindrical, 2-4" long, 1-1.25" wide, greenish violet when young, yellow-brown when mature