Size: shrub, 20-35' average height at maturity, 10-20' spread
Buds: winter buds have valvate scales, flower buds long-pointed and swollen at base, bud scales gray, vegetative buds long-pointed but not swollen at base
Leaves: deciduous, opposite, 2-4" long, 1-2" wide, simple, ovate to elliptical-ovate, acuminate tips, finely toothed, petioles often have wavy margin, shiny dark green above, purple-red in fall but often drop while still green
Twigs: brownish, slightly pubescent or glabrous
Flowers: monoecious or dioecious, creamy white with yellow stamens, in flat-topped 3-4.5" cymes
Fruit: .5" oval drupe, matures from green to yellow, rose, or pink, ultimately bluish black with a bloom