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plant archive, la/hort 4910
Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie', Carol Mackie Daphne
shrub, 3-4' average height and spread at maturity
semievergreen, alternate, small, simple, rounded, dull blue-green
monoecious, pink-tinged, opening white in dense terminal clusters, very fragrant
red drupe, .33"
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Fall Semester
Walk 1: Dogwood and Common Shrubs
Walk 2: Wet Sites
Walk 3: Dry Sites
Walk 4: Low pH
Walk 5: High pH
Walk 6: Rosaceous and Flowering Trees
Walk 7: Zucker Shrub Garden
Walk 8: Plantations Maples and Shrubs
Walk 9: Native and Invasive Plants
Walk 10: Oaks Etc Downtown
Walk 11: Viburnums, Vines, and Groundcovers
Spring Semester
Walk 1: Broad-Leaved Evergreens
Walk 2: Pines et al
Walk 3: Spruce, Firs, et al
Walk 4: Evergreens with Scales
Walk 5: Cornus, Viburnum, and Friends
Walk 6: Big Trees in Winter
Walk 7: Birch, Larch, and Nut Trees
Walk 8: Spring Flowering Trees and Shrubs