Sambucus canadensis, American Elder
Size: shrub, 5-12' average height at maturity (8-15' spread)
Buds: small, pointed, sometimes multiple, usually absent terminal, brown, few scales
Leaves: deciduous, opposite, pinnately compound, 5-11 leaflets, most often 7, each leaflet 2-6" long, .5-2.5" wide with short stal, oval or ovate to oblong, margins sharply serrate, tip acuminate, dark green, yellow-green in fall
Twigs: stout, large white pith, large crescent-shaped leaf scars, 5 bundle scars, conspicuous lenticels
Flowers: monoecious, white petals, yellow stamens, in slightly convex horizontal clusters up to 10" wide, bloom June-July
Fruit: purplish black, about .25" wide, often very abundant