Quercus imbricaria, Shingle Oak

Black Oak Group: acorns mature in 2 years, small ones usually present on winter twigs, leaves usually have bristle-tipped lobes (except for Q. imbricaria, which is bristle tipped at apex), winter buds generally acute at apex

Size: tree, 40-60' average height and spread at maturity

Buds: imbricate, ovoid, sharp-pointed, .125-.25" clustered at twig tips

Leaves: deciduous, alternate, 2.5-6" long, 1-3" wide, simple, olong or lanceolate, acute with bristlelike tip, resembles Q. acutissima but lacks serrations, margins entire or revolute, shiny dark green on top, pale green on top, pale green or brownish pubescent underside

Twigs: green-brown, shiny, slender, angled, 5-point star-shaped pith

Flowers: monoecious, male flowers in catkins, females in leaf axils, solitary or in small clusters

Fruit: acorn (nuts plus involucre), about .625" long, top third to half enclosed by red-brown cap

Bark: grayish brown, broad low ridges, shallow furrows at maturity