Davidia involucrata, Dove Tree

Size: tree, 20-40' average height at maturity

Buds: solitary, 6 shiny blunt-tipped scales with paler margins, reddish brown

Leaves: deciduous, alternate, 2-5.5" long, 1.5-4" wide, simple, broadly ovate, acuminate tip, cordate base, margins dentate-serrate, dense silky pubescence below, about 8 sets of conspicuous veins, bright green changes to duller green or brown in fall

Twigs: stout, round, fairly zigzagging, round pale pith, leaf scars have 3 large bundle scars

Flowers: monoecious, true flowers inconspicuous, bracts creamy white, bloom in May

Fruit: solitary, roundish, 1.5", green becoming russet speckled with red, contains single larged ridged nut

Bark: Orange and brown, scaly